Beth Grant, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

Myofascial Release Therapist

Cornwall, Ontario

New patients by referral only.

What is the Fascial System?

The Fascial system is the largest, most continuous system in our body. This 3-dimentional spider web-like system is comprised of gel like fluid, that surrounds every cell in our body, including every muscle, nerve, blood vessel, organ and bone. It is crucial for providing stability, support, and transmitting force to protect us against trauma. It permeates our entire body and our systems entirely.

When we experience trauma, our fascial system becomes dehydrated, it compresses the cells in our body with an estimated force of 2000 lbs per square inch. Tight or restricted fascia can cause decreased mobility, restrictions in blood flow, and pressure on nerves which can result in numbness and/or tingling. Tight or restricted fascia can also increase our risk for injury and pain.

Some of the ways fascia can become restricted are through physical trauma, inflammation, and/or poor posture. The restrictions in one area of our body can create symptoms in a completely different area.

fascial restrictions depicted on a skeleton

What is Myofascial Release?

The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach® is different from other traditional forms of Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy treatments.

Traditional therapy addresses the muscle and bones of our body. Most often it is too quick and involves the practitioner forcing your body in an attempt to release or create change. The results usually last a few hours to a few days until the tissue returns to its pre-treatment state.

John F. Barnes Myofascial Release is held with gentle sustained pressure for 5 minutes or longer at the connective tissue barrier, until release occurs. The release is the tissue undergoing cellular changes and beginning to relax and elongate. Working with your body, it is free to discover its natural self-corrective mechanism and unlocks it's natural healing potential.

Why get treatment?

  • You feel like you have tried everything and exhausted all your options.
  • No one has been able to help.
  • No one understands what you are experiencing.
  • No diagnostic test validates your pain.
  • You have been told, it's all in your head.

A gentle, easy, and effective way of treating the body

The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach® is a hands-on treatment that can be applied anywhere on the body to address tightness, tension, pain and other symptoms. It is safe, and does not involve machines, oils/creams or drugs. It is the only form of therapy that addresses all elements of the connective tissue.

The goal of a MFR practitioner is to release fascial restrictions and restore its natural mobility and health.

What you can expect after your MFR treatment.

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