Beth Grant, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

Myofascial Release Therapist

Cornwall, Ontario

New patients by referral only.

Each Massage Therapy treatment is customized based on the patient's health and wellness goals.

Massage Therapy:

Using Myofascial Release (MFR), gentle sustained pressure is applied to relax and elongate restricted tissue, improving circulation and mobility, easing tension, numbness/tingling, and pain.

Duration * As of Jan 1, 2024
30 mins $80
45 mins $92
60 mins $108
90 mins $160

Manual Lymph Drainage:

Light pressure is slowly applied to the skin, moving extra fluid from an area that is swollen (or at risk of swelling).

Ideal for recent injuries such as sprains, breaks, as well as water retention.

Duration * As of Dec 1, 2022
45 mins $108
60 mins $120
90 mins $170

Hot Stone Massage Therapy:

Basalt & Jade stones are heated and used to massage the areas of your body. This allows intense muscle relaxation which enables the massage therapist to work very deeply, without the same pressure that they would need to apply in a deep tissue massage.

Improves circulation, eases general muscle aches and tension, and improves mobility. Ideal for relaxation, reducing stress, arthritis pain, and improving quality of life (sleep, mood, etc).

Make sure you drink plenty of water as the heat can cause you to sweat and dehydrate.

Be honest with the therapist about the heat of the stones.

NOT recommended for those who are pregnant, or who have diabetes, high blood pressure, had surgery in the last 6 weeks, have a fracture or severe osteoporosis, or if you are on medication which thins the blood.

Duration * As of Jan 1, 2024
90 mins $180

All rates include HST.

* Length of Massage Therapy appointment reflects the length of time with the Massage Therapist, not hands-on time.

Fees for Missed or Cancelled appointments

E-transfer, Cash, and Debit/Interac are the methods of payment.

Offering direct billing with most insurance companies.

Telus Health e-claims informed RMTs that as of November 29, 2021 Sunlife will no longer be available for direct billing

Direct billing through Telus eClaims

Gift certificates for Massage Thearpy treatments are available for purchase over the phone, and by appointment.

Payment with Cash or E-transfer.